
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Woman Crush Wenesday!!! Kerry Washington

In DIRE anticipation of the new season of Scandal premiering on October 3rd (OMG I CANT WAIT!) an after being snubbed at the Emmy’s on Sunday I feel like the beautiful and effortlessly talented Kerry Washington needs to be honored in this week’s WCW.
          Even if you aren’t a diehard Gladiator, gluing yourself to a television every Thursday to watch the amazing Olivia Pope in action, you should still have knowledge of who Kerry Washington is, considering she’s played a role in damn near every other hit movie that has hit the theaters since 2004. Even when she doesn’t have the starring role, Kerry makes her presence known.  Kerry’s amazing acting skills allows her to transcend the thick color line in Hollywood. She isn’t limited to the stereotypical, Tyler Perry movies, but can still turn on the southern accent and play a tear jerking slave. The Bronx native attended George Washington University before acting in over 30 movies. Her most powerful and probably her most memorable role came in April 2012, when she was called upon by creator Shonda Rhymes, to play the amazingly well dressed, political PR manager,Olivia Pope. One thing I love about Miss Kerry is that while she appears dainty and polished, she’s not afraid to get dirty in her roles. You would think that a woman so refined and so classy would clutch her pearls when offered to play the mistress of the President of the United States. But no. Ms. Kerry hikes her skirt up in coat closets and delivers the most convincing O faces they allow on primetime TV. Although she may not be good enough for the Emmy’s to recognize, she’s no doubt one of the most beautiful, versatile actresses in Hollywood right now and worthy of Tay’s Recognition.  

Miss Kerry Baby ;)
 Fitz cant get enough of Miss Olivia Pope

The sex scene in Scandal definitely push the lines of PG-13 sometimes. *covers eyes*

Oh I'm so freakin hype for this season!!! AHHH
Better believe, "Its handled"
Kerry at the London premiere of Django Unchained.

Everybody say it with me now,... SLLLAAAAAAYYYYYY!!
Kerry's red carpet looks have been so on point lately , she was recently named Best Dressed Woman in the World by Vanity Fair.

 Kerry really underwhelmed me with her dress for the Emmy's on Sunday, she must have known they weren't going to give it to her this year.

Kerry would have been the first African American woman to win an Emmy since 1976. But of course the academy wouldn’t have that. Oh and BTW, no African Americans took home Emmy’s this year, AGAIN. Yep couldn’t even give one to a camera man. Gotta Love the Academy right?
Oh Well ;)

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