
Friday, September 27, 2013

Let's Talk About Kanye- Inside the Mind of a True A**Hole

And yes, he sat like this, the whole time.

           Kanye did an interview with BBC Radio One’s  Zane Lowe and about a week ago and just like everything else Ye does, it entertained, and confused us at the same damn time. While poor Zane Lowe probably went in to this interview with the intention of talking about his latest album, Yeezus, what he got was an insight into the mind of Kanye West and good Lord, nobody was ready for that level of craziness. While people may have watched it and got a good laugh, and some twitter jokes out of the interview , whether you were looking for it or not you got a permanent opinion about Kanye.  They are going to be playing clips from this interview years from now whenever Kanye is mentioned.  Kanye ranted for about an hour in the 4 part interview, and said some really thought provoking things. Beside from Kanye's  weird"professional interview voice", here’s a few more things that caught my attention.

1)      Yeezus

In the middle of his rants about discrimination, fashion and his family, Kanye did manage to talk about his highly criticized album Yeezus (2013). His comments either cleared up any confusion you had about the album, or it confused you even more.  Ye mention that his album is not made for easy listening, and I couldn’t agree more. Ninety percent of the reason why I didn’t like the Yeezus album is because I couldn’t listen to it while I watched TV.  The whole sound of the album was angry and frustrating. It didn’t have a clear vibe that I could get into. The dramatic beats, random voice changes, and powerful content leaves you confused and requires thought to process what your hearing. In this recent time in music we are used to having an immediate opinion about a song after we hear it.  Music and the emotion it evokes is so clear and literal that when we hear songs like On Sight or Blood on the Leaves, we hate it because the song doesn’t tell us how we are supposed to feel about it. Are we supposed to dance, are we supposed to feel sad, are we supposed to be in love? Even when we hear deep lyrics from Tupac, J Cole or Drake, it still doesn’t take much to find out what, they are talking about, and what we are supposed to feel. Hell, half of the reason we love J Cole and Drake is because they tell us a story that we can relate to.  Yeezus covers so many different topics in his lyrics and places them on these crazy beats that we have to think too hard on what to even concentrate on.  Music like that doesn’t get our approval and gets laughed at the radio stations. Yeezus wasn’t made for the radio. Does this direction make Kanye a musical genus? Well, that’s completely objective. But it does make him an innovator. The dramatic way he separates himself from other artist, does need to be respected even if it’s not completely understood.
“Rap the new rock and roll!!!... We the new culture!...We the real rock stars, and I’m the biggest of all of em! I’m the number one rock star!”
2)      Damn, Ye is an asshole
This interview did make me think about what we consider asshole behavior. Yes, Kanye is an asshole. We all can agree on that. By definition, Kanye is the ass holiest of all assholes. But think about it; when was the last time Kanye ever lied? Did George Bush not drag his feet in sending federal help to New Orleans, while people (predominantly African American) were drowning to death in their homes? Was Beyoncé’s Single Ladies (2008) not the best video of that year? If someone was following you with a camera every time you stepped outside, would you not put hands on them at least once? While he may have terrible timing, and not necessarily be politically correct with the things he says and does, Kanye does speak the truth. When you tell the truth when people don’t ask for it, or want to hear it, you’re automatically labeled an asshole (duche bag ect.)  Kanye is a true asshole, and he’s proud of it.
Yes, this was the mood of the whole interview.
3)      Kanye is a God
This interview did give me a little clarity on the whole “Yeezus” thing.  When we hear God, our Christian minds go straight to the Bible. There is no man before, above or equal to Him. Agreed. But what if we took this definition out of a biblical context? (The Christian girl in me is beating me bloody with a Bible right now.)
What if this idea was how you viewed yourself? There is no man above me or before me. Isn’t that how we are supposed to view ourselves anyway? What if young black men had this type of confidence about themselves? Would they be killing each other for Jordans? Would they fight so hard for the respect of others if they thought this highly of themselves?  Would the beauty industry be a multibillion dollar industry if young girls knew that they could never equal the women they saw on TV anyway? That level of confidence would  be dangerous in the best way possible. You wouldn't even have to be arrogant about it because no one's opinion would matter anyway.  Even as much as Kanye loves Kanye , I don’t think he even possess that type of confidence.  But just imagine what you could accomplish if you thought no one was above, below or equal to you. Granted, in Christian context, this reference  is blatant blasphemy but I just think we as a society lack a word for this level of confidence because it’s such a farfetched idea. Closest word to describe it is, God.
“When someone comes up to you and say I Am a God, people say who does he think he is? I just told you who I thought I was! A God!”….  “Would it be better if had a song called I Am a Nigga?...All those colors and patinas fit better on a person like me”
4)      Jimmy Kimmel was wrong
Soon after this interview aired, late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel did a spoof of the interview using kids repeating some of Kanye’s quotes while drinking milkshakes. Soon after the spoof aired, Kanye turned his caps lock on and went on the most memorable, most entertaining twitter rants of all time! (*kanye voice*)
        Now while the spoof was funny, and Kanye’s caps lock furry tickled me, I could see why Kanye would be upset. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the quotes from the interview are funny as hell, mainly because of how serious and angry he was. And I’m not going to front like I fully understand the “genus” in Kanye, but none the less; Kanye was speaking some real truth and watching his seriousness reduced to a child, literally, did make me cringe a little. Once again Kanye’s asshole-ness overpowered the stuff that people needed to hear and his message just went in main stream America’s ear and out the other.  Because Ye has been labeled an asshole, main stream America doesn’t take him seriously and reduces him to late night talk show jokes. Jimmy Kimmel’s spoof really just demonstrated how oblivious the main stream is to discrimination and post racist era- racism. As long as you get the message Kanye was preaching, it’s ok to laugh, but the spoof just proved how some people just will never get it. Discrimination is just that “a spoof” of real life to some people.

 Best twitter rant of the century
Take an hour out of your life and let Yeezy educate/entertain you:
Stalker Notes:  twitter @kanyewest

“Why do you think Niggas in Paris is called Niggas in Paris?... because niggas was in Paris!!”
What's your favorite comments from the interview, leave them in the comments below!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Woman Crush Wenesday!!! Kerry Washington

In DIRE anticipation of the new season of Scandal premiering on October 3rd (OMG I CANT WAIT!) an after being snubbed at the Emmy’s on Sunday I feel like the beautiful and effortlessly talented Kerry Washington needs to be honored in this week’s WCW.
          Even if you aren’t a diehard Gladiator, gluing yourself to a television every Thursday to watch the amazing Olivia Pope in action, you should still have knowledge of who Kerry Washington is, considering she’s played a role in damn near every other hit movie that has hit the theaters since 2004. Even when she doesn’t have the starring role, Kerry makes her presence known.  Kerry’s amazing acting skills allows her to transcend the thick color line in Hollywood. She isn’t limited to the stereotypical, Tyler Perry movies, but can still turn on the southern accent and play a tear jerking slave. The Bronx native attended George Washington University before acting in over 30 movies. Her most powerful and probably her most memorable role came in April 2012, when she was called upon by creator Shonda Rhymes, to play the amazingly well dressed, political PR manager,Olivia Pope. One thing I love about Miss Kerry is that while she appears dainty and polished, she’s not afraid to get dirty in her roles. You would think that a woman so refined and so classy would clutch her pearls when offered to play the mistress of the President of the United States. But no. Ms. Kerry hikes her skirt up in coat closets and delivers the most convincing O faces they allow on primetime TV. Although she may not be good enough for the Emmy’s to recognize, she’s no doubt one of the most beautiful, versatile actresses in Hollywood right now and worthy of Tay’s Recognition.  

Miss Kerry Baby ;)
 Fitz cant get enough of Miss Olivia Pope

The sex scene in Scandal definitely push the lines of PG-13 sometimes. *covers eyes*

Oh I'm so freakin hype for this season!!! AHHH
Better believe, "Its handled"
Kerry at the London premiere of Django Unchained.

Everybody say it with me now,... SLLLAAAAAAYYYYYY!!
Kerry's red carpet looks have been so on point lately , she was recently named Best Dressed Woman in the World by Vanity Fair.

 Kerry really underwhelmed me with her dress for the Emmy's on Sunday, she must have known they weren't going to give it to her this year.

Kerry would have been the first African American woman to win an Emmy since 1976. But of course the academy wouldn’t have that. Oh and BTW, no African Americans took home Emmy’s this year, AGAIN. Yep couldn’t even give one to a camera man. Gotta Love the Academy right?
Oh Well ;)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Man Crush Monday !!!! Drake aka Aubrey aka Jimmy

In anticipation for one of the most anticipated album of the year Nothing Was the Same on September 24th. (this doesn’t include those of you who already have it -_-) This week’s Man Crush Monday goes to my long time crush, my imaginary ex husband Drake.


 If you were a hormonal teenager back in 2008 and your parents had enough money to pay for a cable package with more than 100 channels, you were watching the high school soap opera Degrassi: The Next Generation on The N network once a week.  The Canadian based show addressed a lot of issues that modern day teenagers were faced with like, mental disorders, teen pregnancy, and bullying. While watching, a few things came to my mind, like “wow never is my high school this interesting, these kids are f-ed up”, and “damn, who is the cute, almost black dude in the wheel chair”. And when his video for his first single Replacement Girl with Trey Songz premiered after the season finale of Degrasssi , the world laughed. Hard. “Oh, Wheelchair Jimmy tryna be a rapper now?”. But while everybody was laughing, and the original casts of Degrassi were looking for acting jobs, young Aubrey Graham was making mixtapes, changing his name and gearing up to be a force in the music industry.

A year later under the wing of the previous “Best Rapper Alive” Lil Wayne, Drake released his first mix tape So Far Gone, and the game was never the same. After one mix tape, Drake was on every major song in hip hop that year and a new sexual orientation was created.  Gay, Straight, Bisexual and LightSkinned/Drake.  His first studio album Thank Me Later (2010) gave us some timeless classics like Fancy and Up all Night and we will be listening to his sophomore album Take Care (2011) well into our 40’s and 50’s. Drake’s cocky word play and smooth flow fed the male ego and the association with Lil Wayne gave him just enough credibility to be accepted as a rapper.  And even though he tries his hardest to prove to us that he's a hardcore Canadian gangster, we all can picture Drake running at the first sign of danger and then crying because his shoes got scuffed.Aubrey’s sensitivity allowed him to sing badly into women’s hearts and panties and he became every girls perfect imaginary boyfriend.  If not a boyfriend, then at least the perfect side piece. Just ask our boo Rihanna. Young Aubrey became the bane of Chris Brown’s existence last year when the timeline in which his relationship with Rihanna and her relationship with Drake overlapped a little bit.  Now whether Drizzy was the rebound, the main dude or Rihanna’s side piece is still yet to be determined but that didn’t stop every girl from oozing with envy watching Rih,Rih being held in the strong arms of Drake in the Take Care video.
Only way to get over one light skinned dude, is to get under another light skinned dude. Well noted RihRih ;)

Aubrey has been locking us in our rooms drunk dialing ex’s for at least 2 years now. (I’m not allowed to listen to Drake after 12am). Along with providing us endless catch phrases, and Instagram captions,his “damn , I actually love these hoes”  attitude has so much of a hold on us that we had to make the phrase “Feeling Some Kinda Way (FSKW)” just to describe how his music made us feel.  And just when his masculinity starts to be questioned, Drake murders another one of everybody’s favorite beat next to our favorite rappers. Even though his mentor and founder Lil Wayne’s flame has dwindled, as long as Drake keeps getting dumped by video vixens, strippers and Rihanna he’s going to be around for a minute. And I'll be here watching. ;)
October Very Own :p

I wonder how my mom would feel if I brought home a nice Canadian Jewish boy
Oh Yes *drool*

Do you know how good of a rapper you have to be to make a whole generation overlook the fact that you played dude in a wheel chair with erectile dysfunction?

The best show on TV. After the original cast "graduated" from Degrassi Community School, the new freshman cast they brought in SUCCCKKKKEEDDD. The show was never the same.

If you watched Degrassi, this was the scariest moment of your young teenaged life. RUN, JIMMY! RUNN!!! :(


There are four sexual orientations in this world. Gay, Straight, Bisexual or Light Skinned/Drake. If you ever made this face're Drake
He can have all of me and whatever is left.

Stalker Notes:  Twitter:@Drake
                         Instagram: champagnepapi

 What's you favorite Drake quote ? Leave it in the comments below and I'll post them in a later post!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tay's Top 5 Bangers of the Summer !!

      Huuuh. School has started, the nights are shorter, box braids have been removed, boys are getting back with their girlfriends they dumped back in May. Unfortunately, these are the sure signs that the summer is officially over. While you hang up your striped BeatleJuice leggings , we can recap the highly eventful summer we had in  hip hop. The summer got Jay Z off his throne long enough to bless us with another album. Both Wale and J Cole succeeded all expectations with their sophomore albums. Miley Cyrus scared main stream media with her twerking. And  Kanye… well yea you know what Kanye did.  Just like every other summer, Summer 2013 produced its own set list of songs that we couldnt escape. Here are 5 that stood out.

5)Body Party- Ciara -Ciara

                Ciara managed to scrape her way out the clearance cd ben with her first single off of her fourth studio album Body Party and gave us ladies a well needed slow jam for the summer. After the tragic DHR (death by heavy rotation) of Beyonce’s Dance for You, the club was in need of something for ladies to slow wine to. And Body Party was just simple and tolerable enough to fill the part. Considering Ci,Ci has been shooting blanks musically since 2007, it was nice to see her on the charts again. (Not that we missed her too much). One has to give it up to the determination of young Ciara. She debut her first single Goodies in 2004 amongst the clutter of all the other disposable female R&B singers (Teirra Marie, Christina Millian, Brooke Valentine ect.) and instead of falling into the endless abyss of forgotten starlets she manages to claw her way out with a tolerable song time and time again. While men were more interested in the smooth, contorted dance moves in the video, the chorus was just suggestive and catchy enough for women to sing along too. Unfortunately as mildly acceptable as this song was this summer, it apparently wasn’t enough to sell her album. Even the demonic voice of Nick Minaj couldn’t get people to get interested in her second single I’m Out. We will probably forget about this record  completely by December and it will take another three years for Ciara to scrape up another half way acceptable song; but for what its worth, we got something to sing badly to this summer. Back to the clearance ben with you now.

4)  Feds Watching- 2 Chainz-B.O.A.T.S II
                What’s a summer without 2Chaaaaaiiiiinz?! (2 Chainz voice) We actually almost experienced one, but 2Chainz was able to sneak in one good banger in before Labor Day. The first single from his sophomore studio album B.O.A.T.S II  is a lyrical catastrophe conveniently overshadowed by the production genus of Pharell Williams ( he’s been busy this year).  And after listening to his album in its entirety, I must warn you that Feds Watching is the only song carrying any type of weight. (Ooooo I smell a sophomore curse!) This song just gives us a reason to drunkenly wipe down our fresh Forever 21 outfits in the club and gave us an ideal caption for our club pictures on Instagram. As a law abiding citizen, I don’t know why the “feds” would be watching me, and considering Mr. Chainz’s previous run ins with the law this year, you would think he would be trying to keep a low profile.  But never the less, it has a catchy hook, some drug references and a bomb ass beat, therefore it meets all of the criteria needed for a good club banger.

3) Versace (just Drake’s Verse)- Migos
                Moral of the story, don’t let Drake have the first verse on your song. 
         After releasing a few songs so we didn’t forget about him completely before his album dropped, Drake graced up and coming Atlanta rappers Migos with a verse on their first single, titled Versace. Upon the song's release, the up and coming trio learned one cardinal rules of hip-hop; never let a better known (more lyrically advanced) artist  have the first verse on your song, simply because nobody’s going to listen to that garbage after the first minute and a half. Granted, this may have been the best promotional move for Migos because I can’t picture them making it main stream on their own. It’s funny, because seconds after Drake’s verse you realize how stupidly catchy the song truly is. I mean once you reference impregnating Halle Berry, it really not much you can say after that. I honestly can’t even recall a DJ even playing the song after the first verse. This song had us singing about a very popular label that none of us can afford, and took over the club when it was played. Miss Donatella Versace appreciated the free promotion so much that she scared the stuffy fashion crowd by playing the song at the conclusion of her 2014 show in Milan. Will we ever hear from Migos again? Due to their underground fan base, we probably will, but I can’t see them having a bigger hit than this summer banger.

2)Don’t Drop that Thun Thun Thun - Finatticz
Wow, how creatively degrading is this picture -__- smh
                Now I don’t know what a “thun, thun, thun,” is, and I’m unsure why I’m NOT supposed to drop it, but all I know is that this song was the universal signal to turn up this summer. I’m always a fan of a stupid song that makes a room full of people sing in unison and this song is just that, nothing more, nothing less. The unfortunate thing is that, while your IQ may drop as you listen to it; this song has the potential to go in the unwritten “Book of Club Bangers”. Next summer, while we are all twerking to a whole new set list of mindless noise; when the DJ drops that beat that sounds like it was mastered in somebody’s basement, we’re going to turn up (or whatever phrase we’re going to be using in reference to having a good time).
                Do you listen to this song anyplace other than in a crowd of people? No. Does anybody sing this song past the chorus? No. (If you do, kill yourself) Are we going to hear from these dudes again? Probably not. But it got a good ride this summer, thank you for the banger, it was fun.  I’m filing this one next to Crank That by Souja Boy.

1)Blurred Lines-Robin Thicke ft TI & Pharrell Williams -Blurred Lines
               OMG, this f-in song just would not go away. This song was forced into our ears everywhere we turned this summer. And whether MTV or anybody wants to admit it, this was the song of summer 2013. I can’t figure out if it was the fault of the people or of the radio DJ’s that made this the song of the summer but you will not think of the year 2013 without thinking about Robin Thicke’s , Blurred Lines. Any song that can blur the generational lines of music automatically goes in the book of summer classics. The funny thing is that as tired of this damn song as you may be, something about Pharrell William’s beat will not let you turn it off.  This song was able to reduce chopper touting, family man  T.I into somebody’s James Brown shuffling uncle and cemented Pharrell William’s place as one of the best producers of all time. Robin Thicke’s Beatle Juice striped suit and the “artistically nude” models got people to glue themselves to the video and his smooth R&B voice got people attached to the song. The song grew to such a massive level that it made people forget about the other 13 tracks on Thicke’s Blurred Lines album. (Which is Tay Approved by the way). Whether we like it or not, we are  going to reminisce on the events of summer 2013 when we hear this song in the future. It’s going to be played at all future cookouts, weddings and family gatherings right after the Atomic Dog. Whether it was forced upon us or not, we’re going to have to live with this song forever.
 Album of the Summer: Magna Carta /Holy Grail- Jay Z
The FSKW(Feel Some Kinda Way) Song of the Summer: Mirrors- Justin Timberlake- The 20/20 Experience

6) Work (Remix)- A$AP Ferg ft A$AP Rocky, French Montana & Schoolboy Q
            -“Coogi down to the socks like I’m Big Poppa..BAAABBBYYY!”
7)Started from the Bottom- Drake
- A child star on a hit TV show is not what I would consider the bottom but ok.
8) Holy Grail- Jay Z ft Justin Timberlake

9)Control-  Big Sean ft  Kendrick Lamar & Jay Electronica
                -.You can’t shake up the rap game like Kendrick did and get away with it.
10) Clappers- Wale ft Juicy J & Nicki Minaj
-"Shawty Tay got a big ol butt OH YEEEEAAAAAAA!"

Honorable mentions

We in the Bitch- B.O.B ft Juicy J
                - Drunk song of the year. " They tried to shut us down bout an hour ago but we still in this bitch!!"


Red Nose- Sage the Gemini
                -Anybody figured out how to do this dance yet?
Blood on the Leaves-  Kanye West

         This list is strictly objective. I based this list off of songs that were in rotation on the radio and amongst my area Dj’s. Knowing that my hip-hop twitter gurus are extremely sensitive to any attempts of  ranking hip hop songs, therefore I feel the need to state that Tay reserves her right to write posts about songs that made her shake her booty this summer.

Did I miss your favorite song on this list?! Feel free to leave your personal summer banger list in the comments below!!  Feedback is always Tay Approved ;)



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Woman Crush Wednesday !!!--- Nina Duvuluri

I love nothing more than when somebody unintentionally smacks main stream America in the face, and Miss Nina Duvuluri did just that.


                Monday, main stream America gathered around for the crowing of Miss America 2014. Now, whether you care enough to actually take time from your reality TV show line up to actually watch the Miss America pageant or not, you’ve probably heard about the controversy the stirred around who was crowned this year.  After years of preparation, and damn near THREE HOURS of smiling and prancing around, the judges voted and crowned the beautiful Nina Duvuluri of Syracuse, New York as Miss America 2014. 

Now did Miss Duvuluri hijack a couple of planes with a box cutter a few years ago? No. Did Miss Duvuluri attend school here in America? Yes, made the Dean’s List at the University of Michigan as a matter of fact. Does Miss Duvuluri pay her American taxes? I would assume so. Was Miss Duvurluri BORN here in the greatest country on earth? Yes! But of course, you didn’t think they could choose a representation of this great nation that isn’t blonde haired and blue eyed and get away with it did you? Ha! Of course not, because crowing a Miss America that is of Indian decent is an outrage! It’s a slap in the face to the American people! It’s a blatant attempt to dismantle the American republic!  (No lie I actually read a Facebook status that said this, smh)

Leave it up to the ignorant to not only point out the racial background of Duvuluri, but actually blow it up as a big deal.  Oh, how I would have loved to see the faces of the republican, racist, twitter thugs while they watched Duvuluri perform a beautiful Bollywood dance in the talent segment of the show. Oh, the hearty laugh I would have delivered. Do I love my country? Yes. But I’m not down for not waving my flag for a country that allegedly prides themselves as the world’s melting pot but can so brutally degrade any form of representation that doesn’t look like the stereotypical “American”.  I personally would be more offended if Miss America was dumb or ugly. Hell, at least Nina is pretty.  Out of 54 girls I saw on that stage I could only point out 5 or 6 that would fit my standard of beautiful.  Maybe America would be happier with the babbling Barbie look alike Caitlin Upton (Miss Teen USA Pagent 2007) as Miss America. When asked about the education of Americans; Miss Upton continued to deliver a random conjunction of phrases she thought sounded intelligent like “such as” mixed with some random mentions of other foreign countries .
 Well whether the racist like it or not, my president is black and my Miss America is a beautiful Indian woman. Ha, Take that America!
A middle eastern style of dance in AMERICA?  Oh hell no!

The only thing dangerous about this woman is those abs. WORRRRKKK!

She was one of the prettiest on the whole stage.

Let’s take a peek into the mind of the good ol' Blue Collar idiot shall we….

Ohh you're a SanFran fan?... trust me buddy diversity in the Miss America pageant is the LAST of your worries sir. 

My question it this. What in the white coat of Jesus do these idiots consider an "American"?

OH, this is "American" -__- smh

Ok I get it, if your skin tone is darker than the typical porcelain doll, you're a threat in this country. At least she wasn't wearing a hoodie, then she'd really be dangerous.

"In the words of Beyoncé, bow down bitches"