I love nothing more than when somebody
unintentionally smacks main stream America in the face, and Miss Nina Duvuluri
did just that.
Monday, main stream America gathered around for the
crowing of Miss America 2014. Now, whether you care enough to actually take
time from your reality TV show line up to actually watch the Miss America pageant
or not, you’ve probably heard about the controversy the stirred around who was
crowned this year. After years of
preparation, and damn near THREE HOURS of smiling and prancing around, the
judges voted and crowned the beautiful Nina Duvuluri of Syracuse, New York as
Miss America 2014.
Now did Miss Duvuluri hijack a
couple of planes with a box cutter a few years ago? No. Did Miss Duvuluri
attend school here in America? Yes, made the Dean’s List at the University of
Michigan as a matter of fact. Does Miss Duvuluri pay her American taxes? I
would assume so. Was Miss Duvurluri BORN here in the greatest country on earth?
Yes! But of course, you didn’t think they could choose a representation of this
great nation that isn’t blonde haired and blue eyed and get away with it did
you? Ha! Of course not, because crowing a Miss America that is of Indian decent
is an outrage! It’s a slap in the face to the American people! It’s a blatant
attempt to dismantle the American republic!
(No lie I actually read a Facebook status that said this, smh)
Leave it up to the ignorant to not
only point out the racial background of Duvuluri, but actually blow it up as a
big deal. Oh, how I would have loved to
see the faces of the republican, racist, twitter thugs while they watched
Duvuluri perform a beautiful Bollywood dance in the talent segment of the show.
Oh, the hearty laugh I would have delivered. Do I love my country? Yes. But I’m
not down for not waving my flag for a country that allegedly prides themselves as
the world’s melting pot but can so brutally degrade any form of representation
that doesn’t look like the stereotypical “American”. I personally would be more offended if Miss
America was dumb or ugly. Hell, at least Nina is pretty. Out of 54 girls I saw on that stage I could
only point out 5 or 6 that would fit my standard of beautiful. Maybe America would be happier with the
babbling Barbie look alike Caitlin Upton (Miss Teen USA Pagent 2007) as Miss
America. When asked about the education of Americans; Miss Upton continued to deliver a random
conjunction of phrases she thought sounded intelligent like “such as” mixed
with some random mentions of other foreign countries .
Well whether the racist
like it or not, my president is black and my Miss America is a beautiful Indian
woman. Ha, Take that America!
A middle eastern style of dance in AMERICA? Oh hell no! |
The only thing dangerous about this woman is those abs. WORRRRKKK! |
She was one of the prettiest on the whole stage.
take a peek into the mind of the good ol' Blue Collar idiot shall we….
Ohh you're a SanFran fan?... trust me buddy diversity in the Miss America pageant is the LAST of your worries sir. |
My question it this. What in the white coat of Jesus do these idiots consider an "American"? |
OH, this is "American" -__- smh |
Ok I get it, if your skin tone is darker than the typical porcelain doll, you're a threat in this country. At least she wasn't wearing a hoodie, then she'd really be dangerous. |
"In the words of Beyoncé, bow down bitches" |
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