
Monday, August 26, 2013

2013 MTV Video Music Awards RECAP!!!

If it’s one thing I love more than anything, its curling up with snacks and watching an award show. Award shows are my all-time favorite aspect of entertainment so if I don’t post anything on this blog , you can damn sure bet to see an award show recap.

Last night the world gathered together with their twitter apps and partook in viewing the music's world annual circus that is the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards. Not quite as stuffy as the Grammy's, the VMA's celebrates the pop genre every year with legendary performances, controversy and blatant avoidance of awarding black musical accomplishments (when in doubt give the award to Taylor Swift -_-). And this year's show set in Brooklyn did not disappoint. Here's  5 moments from the show that I felt needed to be addressed.

 1) Where the f**k were the Carter's?!

   By watching the strategically "urbanized" promo commercials every 3 seconds, and random clips of sidewalks, buses and subways during the presentations of nominees, MTV made it clear that they wanted our panties to moisten about the fact that the VMA's where going be held at the new Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. Now, I’m not sure what that may have meant to anybody else, but I took it as a subliminal promo for a legendary Jay Z performance (was it just me?... No? ok). Brooklyn!? The recent Magna Carta release!? Justin Timberlake!? The show had a more than ideal set up for the perfect Holy Grail performance. But,no. All we got was Katy Perry acting out a scene from Rocky up under the Brooklyn Bridge. -___- . Seemed like a terrible waste of the perfect venue to me.  The BeyHive couldn’t even get a camera glimpse of a fierce Beyonce outfit this year. And after the numerous camera pans of the audience, we had to come to the unbelievable conclusion that the Carter's didn’t even grace the VMA's with their million dollar presence this year. Granted both of them are currently on tour (Mrs. Carter World Tour and the Legends of the Summer), and even the most spoiled BeyHive member can’t expect the Queen to bless us with a performance every award show (I don’t see why not) but damn. MTV hyped the show up as "so Brooklyn" but the only thing we got was a cheap concert layout, and Lil Kim, whose face we can all agree needs the least amount of camera time as possible. We couldn’t get a Brooklyn Nets player to show up. We couldn’t get a Notorious B.I.G sound effect. Not to mention the borderline disrespect of not even mentioning the late songstress Aaliyah, in her hometown on the 12th anniversary of her death. Hell, I would have even tolerated  2 minutes of Diddy’s dancing all for the sake of  highlighting the musical contributions from the city of  Brooklyn. But then again considering the racial background of MTV’s core audience, Brooklyn is just that city next to Manhattan.  Moral of the story: Don’t televise anything musically related in Brooklyn without The Carter's involved #newrules danmit
The Carters made time to make it to the after party though -_-

Smh. This was Brooklyn enough for MTV.

2) SMH ….Kanye

            Ok. Kanye is a musical genius. Based on his line of work, you HAVE to give him that recognition. Whether you want to or not. But my problem is this; somewhere between the Graduation (2007) album and Yeezus (2013) somebody told Kanye he was a genius.  I assume Kanye then took this as, “I can do and say whatever the f**k I want, and people are going to ride it off as me being a genius.” And to no fault of our own, we have gone along with the voices in Kanye’s head. Hell, that’s the only way we can justify Lady Gaga’s entire existence. But damnit there’s a line.

You can embarrass Taylor Swift on national TV (I actually encourage this) .  You can knock up the most photographed woman in America and then beat up the paparazzi when they ask you about it. You can be a cocky asshole. I can even force my Christian mind to ignore the blatant blasphemy of referring to you as the Christ of Hip Hop. But when you think you’re so “musically advanced “that you flail around like somebody’s drunk uncle, in front of a bordered projector and expect that people are going to accept that as an acceptable performance. That’s where it has to stop. I respect an artist’s evolution. Nobody wants to listen to the same thing we were listening to in 2007 anyway. As a true artist you’re supposed to change. But this stuff Kanye has been giving me lately is way over my head and a tad bit annoying. If all of you twitter guru’s that claim that “no one understands Kanye”, could explain him to me, it would be greatly appreciated, because I been lost since 09.

This still shot is better than the whole performance


PS: Does anybody else anticipate Kanye to pop up when Taylor Swift goes to accept and award? Smh. Where is Kanye when you need him.

3) Miley, time to stop twerking
                              "Somewhere in America; Miley Cyrus is still twerkin."
            Let’s ignore the fact that in 2013, Miley Cyrus is getting recognition for a dance that prepubescent black girls have been sweating their perms out doing for years. (Ladies: How old were you when you first put your hands on your knees at a basement party?) And I’m not going to lie, watching  America’s sweet little Hannah Montana snatch the blonde wig off and get straight ratchet with it next to Juicy J was quite entertaining. Not quite as entertaining as watching America try to convince us that bouncing your ass is some sort of  new, nigger-conceived epidemic. But, once again, there’s a line. And it was clearly crossed last night.

            Bending over and bustin it open, in your bra and panties is an action strictly restricted to the stripper pole and in your room while Back That Ass Up plays on your IPod. And most black girls, have known this unwritten rule since 2001, but leave it up to a Disney child star gone bad to take it to another level, and take it to live television. The funny thing was that while everyone was expecting this type of ratchetry to happen, viewers and audience members were still shocked and slightly disgusted, when Miss Cyrus’ pancake flat ass cheeks plastered themselves on our TV screens. Ladies were also kind of pissed watching Miley plaster her flat cakes on the very married, Robin Thicke. (Where was Paula at?!)  Last night brought an abrupt and long overdue end to twerking’s 15 minutes of fame, and may have ended Miley’s as well. Moral of the story: Although Jay Z encouraged it, Miley,it’s officially time to stop twerking. The summer is over. Time to stand up straight honey.

please people do not be mistaken, a relatively plump ass is REQUIRED, to twerk properly 

Not that Paula Patton should've been threatened in ANY WAY, but still isn't he married?

The Smith's watching Miley perform..LMFAO. Who else's face was like this?

4) What the F**K is a Macklemore ?

            Yes, Thrift Shop was a good song. Not good as in, Grammy Award winning good, but like “Will the Real Slim Shaddy Please Stand Up” good. And we kind of ignored it when and found it a little humorous it appeared on the Hip Hop charts. But to consider whatever song it was Macklemore won for, better than Drake, A$AP and Kendrick Lamar, is borderline disrespectful. Not even borderline. It was disrespectful. Not “Lets riot in the street” disrespectful, but still pretty wrong. Now, I’m trying NOT pulling the race card. (I do my best not to) In my eyes, music and love are the only things in this world that have no color. Good music is good music, and don't get me wrong, Macklemore’s flow is pretty decent, but not decent enough to win anything over Drake. And after the tidal wave that Kendrick just caused in the industry, he should be getting all the Hip Hop genre awards for at least the next year. Well at least until the Grammy’s. But then again, it is the VMA’s. smh


             The world stopped spinning. I swear the world stopped spinning.

              Before being awarded the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, Justin Timberlake spent 10 minutes proving why he deserved that award and every other award he’s going to receive in the future. Right as we were picking up our remotes to change the channel, Justin Timberlake came out and did a magical medley of all of his hit songs, which amazingly turned out to be every song he had ever put out as a solo artist.  JT’s unwavering singing voice, along with his crisp dance moves gave you chills that were reminiscent of any Michael Jackson performance. And just when everybody was on the edge of their seat, the remaining four members of NSYNC arose from the bottom of the stage and released everybody’s inner white girl.  And although a little chubby and a little winded, the boys commanded those British punks in the audience, One Direction to sit back and take notes and reminded everybody what a real boy band was. The performance is easily is going to be archived as one of the best in VMA history, if not as one of the best we’ve seen in a long time. Not to mention Justin was awarded the only award that was rightfully deserved that night, Video of the Year for his first single off his 20/20 Experience album Mirrors. If the performance didn’t do anything, it definitely sold tickets for Justin’s 20/20 Experience Tour this fall (PS:I will twerk for tickets to this concert, serous inquires comment contact info below). The only disappointing thing about this performance was that MTV tried to carry on for another hour and a half with the show as if anyone else could follow it up. Whatever MTV.

 I got my Destiny’s Child reunion, I got my NSYNC reunion, if someone could scrape up them gay boys of B2K together, my life would be made.
YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! *screams and faints*


Tay’s Best Dressed: Rita Ora
         This "So Tay" gown is by Alexandre Vauthier 2013 collection. Belted, crystalized sleeves, 20ft feather train= So Tay 
"SLAY":(verb)when one looks more than perfect in a outfit or performance; as in SLAYING the red carpet; adj: SLAYADGE (word commonly used as a description for anything Rihanna wears)

Feathers? Sparkles? 20ft train?  Such a beautiful catastrophe

Worst Dressed: Miley Cyrus
Designer: Ratchet Hillbilly  2013
Man, where is her daddy?!

My baby Drake adorned a custom, black ,leather (?) , bullet proof, Tom Ford, Givenchi , Versace Forever 21, V- Neck, wife beater managed to give the most light skinned performance I ever witnessed. Singing voice and all.


Drake's new album Nothing Was the Same is due in September

lol Gotta love Drizzy



Rihanna Watch!               

 Our baby RihRih  decided to dress so casually either because she has been living out of a suit case in New York for a week, or simply because she is just fly like that. Yea let’s go with the second one.
Jeans and T-Shirt and she still bad smh

And a bad ass black dress for Drake to take off after the after party. Uh Huh ;)


photo cred: Getty Images 2013 & Spanish News 2013




Monday, August 19, 2013

Man Crush Monday !: Daniel "Booby" Gibson


      This week’s Man Crush Monday goes to the country slang of Mr. Daniel Gibson of the Cleveland Cavilers.  This sexy Texas boy, lovingly nicknamed Booby caught my eye back in 2009 during Eastern Conference Finals, and it wasn’t just his gun trigger jump shot that had all of my attention. Mr. Gibson made the ideal imaginary husband because he was local and with the Cavs playing with the talent level of a 5th grade basketball team the last few seasons he was pretty much unknown to the rest of the world. He crushed hearts all over Cleveland when word got out that he had not only been dating struggle singer Keyshia Cole but had married her in 2012. His sexiness got a little bit of acknowledgment after his shared reality show Keyshia &Daniel :Family First hit the air on BET. A publicity attempt that was supposed to bring positive attention to another struggle album from the singer Keyshia Cole back fired. While BET  enhanced  Booby’s image by showing off what a sensitive, hardworking, God fearing and a little possessive man Daniel was, every episode managed to convince bitter single women that Keyshia was a ratchet brat, undeserving of such a wonderful man. (Was I the only one thinking that? Being an avid reality show watcher I know what is considered “real life” is altered after going through scripting and editing so Gib’s wife may not be as annoyingly “real” as she seems. (Doubt it) But no matter what the public thinks of her she must be doing something to keep this tatted Houstonian happy because he makes it known that he loves her every chance he gets. (*rolls eyes*)  No matter how much public hate Keyshia attracts, Daniel is there to take up for her, whether that means calling and threatening out of line radio DJ’s or breaking someone’s jaw. Somehow his undying loyalty to his struggle basketball team and his constant public displays of affection for the clearance ben singer wife just makes him sexier. His inspirational tweets, his cute entertaining family candid’s on instagram, along with that heart melting smile is what makes him my favorite bench player (My boo WILL be getting some PT this year though, mark my words!! GO CAVS!!).

You know its too hot for that shirt boo (;p)   (:D)
*sigh* that smile
There are few things that are sexier about a man than him being a good father.

Booby had to put Power 105.1 host Charlamane the God in check as few months ago after he made some very mean but dangerously true statements about his wife’s career after her twitter comments she made about Beyoncé's Bow Down record. Rumor has it that Gib called Chalamane personally and  clearly and thugfully stated“ I know you a DJ and you have to entertain and do what you gotta do, but I’m a man and I have to do what I have to do too” Well damn baby don’t hurt em!

On July 31,2013 this God fearing man had to turn himself in to New Orleans police for felony battery charges. Daniel confronted some random man backstage for “saying profane and inappropriate “things about his wife during her performance at the 2013 Essence Music Festival. The confrontation must have went all the way left for this upstanding role model‘s suppressed South Park Houston to sneak out and for some extreme paw placement to take place. Allegedly ol dudes jaw got broke in the scuffle. A man violently defending his wife honor? Sexiest thing I’ve seen in a minute. Can you say Imaginary Husband of the Year 2013?
 Check out more of Booby Gibson
Instagram: boobygang



Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Woman Crush Wenesday! : Beyonce minus her Hair

 In the mist of all the chaos surrounding my Auntie Bey’s new pixie cut, this Woman Crush Wednesday shall be dedicated to some of my favorite hair styles rocked by King Bey over the years.

Personally, I can’t 100% rock with Auntie Bey’s new cut. I think it makes her head look a little big or something. Many argue that years of dyes and million dollar lace fronts have taken her natural hair out and she just has decided to rock it short. But since Jay Z, close family and hair stylist that probably held under a strict disclosure agreement are the only souls that know the truth; we who love to look at her are going have to rock with this for a minute.



People forget back in 2008 Bey was rockin the short cut for her role as Etta James in the movie Cadillac Records (a Tay Approved movie by the way). The wig aged her a little bit but was still cute on her.


Maybe if Mrs. Carter tried the pixie cut in a new color other than that 10 year old blonde she seems to be attached too. See how pretty she looks with darker browns? I think the pixie cut in one of these colors would be dope.


My theory is that Beyonce’s hair is little part of her mind blowing performances which is why she keeps it long.  She could probably slay the stage of the same caliber with a bald head but what would her trade mark stage fans blow back if she didn’t have hair? I live for this huge Diana Ross curly hair though, but in ANOTHER COLOR!!  ARG!

They say that angels themselves  blow their breath on Beyoncé while she's performing lol

 Bey Bey  does a bad ass up do every now and then.

Can we just take a moment to admire the pure epic-ness of this look right now?

Wondering why the block was looking like a scene from Poetic Justice this summer? This is why…I too am guilty.

I could never get my bun that damn perfect -_-

Awww Hey Blue! I got next on the kisses!
When in doubt? Just make people forget you have hair. Bow Down Bitches

It's Not Even his Song Tho !! : Control- Big Sean ft Kendrick Lamar & Jay Electronica

I would put the album art , but the memes are funnier lol

 Jay Z



Andre 3000

J Cole



Pusha T

Meek Mill

A$AP Rocky


Big Sean

Jay Electronica

Tyler the Creator

Mac Miller

If your name is not on this list, this is time to feel some kinda way. (Gucci is already ahead of the game in being salty so yall need to catch up)

                 A couple of tweets surfaced last night around the new single off of Big Sean’s new album titled Control.  By the next morning, IG was on fire with memes, Vine was full of reactions and a country wide hostel, hip-hop twitter debate was underway.  The one verse that turned everyone into hip hop gurus overnight did not even belong to the artist that’s going to make the most money from the damn song.  The 2 minutes of lyrical fire belonged to that of the hip-hop rookie Kendrick Lamar.

                Now before the bandwagoners who obviously have been awarded 1 million dollars each for being an “original” K. Dot fan attack me, I will say, I cannot rightfully claim to be a Kendrick Lamar fan. Outside of vibing to Poetic Justice a few times and randomly screaming the phrase “Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe!” occasionally, I have little listening investment in him than I’m allegedly supposed to have. But it only takes one song to get my attention and this verse did just that.

                Overall, excluding the wrongfully placed climax of the song, the track is pretty dope. It has that classic New York hip-hop feel to it that will stand the test of time and sounds like something Nas would has demolished back in his prime.  (And no, I didn’t intend for that to rhyme….or that) Big Sean’s generically good verse makes a good intro to the song and probably would be the most fire the song would possess if it wasn’t for Kendrick. But after Kendrick’s bridge served as an intro to his own verse, the track goes into full on New York cypher mode and the Compton native goes off. In a 2 minute verse Kendrick not only crowns himself as the king of New York (yeah he from California though) but also declares competitive war against any rapper that stands in his way.  Calling out our favorite rappers by name, Lamar goes on to states his love and respect for each one of them while claiming that he is coming for the number one spot in hip hop and will do it untouched.  A bold, ambitious statement made by a rapper with only one studio album and numerous mix tapes under his belt.  But it’s the same claim of being the “Best Rapper Alive” that  made all of us jump on the crotch of Lil Wayne a few years ago (still trying to figure out what happened to that). Its the same claims that made Jay Z lyrically untouchable. The same bold claims made by Kanye that made Kanye love Kayne more than anyone of us who buys his albums.

“I got love for you all but I’m tryna murder you niggas.. Tryna make sure your core fans never heard of you niggas..They don’t want to hear not one more noun or verb from you niggas”

                When you claim to be the best in hip-hop on whatever level, as long as you don’t compare yourself to Jesus ( -_- Yeezus) people are going to believe it as long as you have the consistent wordplay to back it up. When Kendrick kicked ass and took names literally, not only did he set the bar high for everybody else in the game, he also set a standard of consistency for his entire career.  K. Dot has gone for the throne as the King of New York (not to be confused with Jay Z who is the reigning King of Hip-Hop and Money Making) which means one wack verse and hip-hop fans will put him in the bottomless pit of Rappers We Once Loved, right next to Lil Wayne and Busta Rhymes.  Kendrick rightfully placed the standard for lyricist back where it was before the Souja Boy era.  He put New York back where it was before the south took over. He unintentionally killed what was supposed to be Jay Electronica’s break out moment. He gave Big Sean another number one hit. He put lyricist back in the job description of being a rapper and he did it all with one verse on a song that he can’t even take the credit for. Ten years ago this song would have never generated this much excitement or buzz but because we have been in the club snappin and rollin, smoking and pussy poppin for years, we are easily impressed by a real  MC. I’m convinced Hip-Hop is in a transitional period. We are slowly but surely deprogramming ourselves from dance craze rap, auto-tune and senseless club bangers, to actually listening to what we are listening to. The bar has been set, let’s see who makes the cut.

“What is competition? I’m tryna raise the bar high; Who tryna jump and get it? You better hop off a sky dive”

 Check out!013013-shows-106-park-pusha-t-2 to see what other rappers had to say about K.Dot's game changing verse.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Fruitvale Station: More than a Movie

               This past weekend I went to see the movie that BET was playing the trailer for every 3 minutes.  While I wasn’t sure what exactly the movie was about or had knowledge of the true story  of Oscar Grant III that director and writer Ryan Coogler had based the movie on, the fast paced, dramatic trailer along with the buzz it was generating interested me. The buzz it was generating was more than generic compliments about how good the movie was. Actually when you asked people about the movie, instead of talking about details about the action people would just reply, “You have to see it”.

                So mentally and emotionally unprepared my sister and I sat through the emotional roller coaster that was Fruitvale Station. The movie starring HBO OZ star, Michael B Jordan, starts off as a day in the life story of Oscar Grant III a young black man living in the Bay Area. With little musical score and simplistic camera techniques the movie takes you through the struggles of a young uneducated black man in America trying to support his girlfriend and young daughter.  Now I personally try to keep from pulling the race card and putting the “Blacks Only” label on things, but I really found it hard to imagine any middle class white person fully relating to this movie.  And if watching a young Oscar Grant deal with the struggles I’ve watched some of my friends and relatives go through wasn’t emotionally triggering enough, the loving innocence that Michael B Jordan so excellently portrays just sets the audience up to break down at the end. Despite the literal emotion the ending provokes, the detail that triggers the tears is that you remember that it’s based on a true story. Although the movie tells the story of Oscar Grant III specifically, the movie tells the story of entirely too many black men in this country as well.  As the audience (all African American) cleared the theater in complete silence and dried tears, I felt the thought that must have been sinking in with the rest of the audience. “This is real.”

                As I drove home alone, the tears fell again. They were same tears that I shed for Trayvon Martin’s parents after the verdict. It was the same hopeless feeling I felt when I  couldn’t dry my friends tears after hearing their friend was left for dead in his car after being shot in my hometown. The same chill I get when I hear the story of Emmitt Till and Rodney King. It was the same anger I feel when I come home from my predominantly white university and see people my age and my skin color, blowing all their God given talents and potential out of their nose with Kush smoke.  It was the same fear I feel at the thought of potentially giving birth to a black man.  Fresh from the wounds of the Trayvon Martin verdict, Fruitvale Station brought the injustice that African Americans suffer in America to the spot light and provoked  the suppressed emotion that we are forced to walk around with every day. Action, laughter, a steamy sex scene; yes this movie has all of the textbook qualities that are needed for a movie to be considered good, But the sad thing is this movie will probably never get the public recognition it deserves. And not just a trophy from the academy (predominately white) but after the 30 second trailer falls out of BET’s rotation  (the only network I’ve seen the movie promoted), and it comes out on Red Box, people’s tears will dry and the real life injustice with continue unless something is done. So if you ask me. Yes, it’s a good movie but not because of what you see while you’re watching it; it’s what you feel after you leave the theater that makes the movie great.  

Wheel Chair Jimmy's at it Again!: Hold on We're Going Home

Just when I swore I would jump off a bridge before I enjoyed hearing Drake’s bland singing voice, Just when I swore I was done with light skinned men all together, here comes Drake with this damn song. SMH.
                The third single released from Drake’s highly anticipated album Nothing Was the Same, due in September takes a complete left turn from the lyrical ,shit talking hip -hop sound we are used too, but oddly not completely shocking coming from Drake.

                 Hold on We’re Going Home has a smooth, hipster R&B rhythm accompanied by Drake’s bland, but not so terrible singing voice. The song seems to have taken the same direction of his 2010 Find Your Love track but a lot better executed and no so confusing or boring. As tolerable as the song is, I will admit I would consider this song a complete flop if anybody else tried to pull it off, but the sensitive light skinned-ness of Drake allows him to get away with it. But believe this song is 3 seconds and one off note away from being a fail. Not to mention Wheel Chair Jimmy’s amazing way of making every female friendly lyric sound like a personal 3 am phone call, gives it a chill , “T-shirt and my panties on” type of vibe. Plus the popular speculation that the lyrics could possibly, sometimes, maybe even a little bit be about his 2012 summer fling Rihanna makes you want to listen to it a couple times.

                “ ‘Cuz you’re a good girl and you know it, I know exactly who you could be”

                Drake was reported saying he wanted his new single to be one that could played at wedding receptions 10 years from now. Now he might have been reaching a bit for that one but it does have a “last call” song at the bar type of feel to it. I could definitely see myself stumbling around the freshly lit dance floor looking for the girls I came with and taking those priceless last minute Instagram pictures while this song is playing though. With that in mind, the music lover in me cant ignore and admire Drake's versatility with his music. He manages to stress the boundaries of hip hop without abandoning the genre completely. Hold on We're Going Home sounds nothing like Girls Love Beyoncé or anything else he's released lately and leaves excitement to hear what type of musical orgasms him and his producer 40 have concocted on this album. As tolerably good as this song is (as long as the song doesn’t die by way of heavy radio rotation), I still wouldn’t put this on the list of timeless Drake bangers.


Side Note:  This song is Rihanna Approved ;)



Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Rihanna Wednesday!

Every other Wednesday I shall gather my fellow Rihannasexuals for a  biweekly worship of the beautiful, screeching Barbadian goddess herself Rihanna.
Fresh off her 6 month Diamonds World Tour, our island princess returned home to the island of Barbados for the annual Carnival  Crop Over celebration last weekend. Now I’m not entirely sure what this festival is, but any holiday that requires you to prance around drunkenly in the streets wearing revealing shinny boob pasties and twerking on random citizens in feather head dresses gets my envy and approval.  And nobody fucks up a party looking so effortlessly beautiful like our baby Rihanna. But until I can stack my paper to the ceiling and participate in such a celebration in a country that obviously has no alcohol open container laws, I’ll just sit back and admire Rih, Rih ‘s new jerry curl haircut and well placed tattoos.

Heaux never looked better
You Sexy Drunken Goddess

*Sigh* Why is she so perfect?

AYE! Fuck it up den! *ratchet voice* #LegendaryTwerk